
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

How to create a Skrill account and verify 100%

Most of the users who are involved in freelancing or various incomes online have to use a Skrill account. Common money transactions are done with the help of Skrill. There are also some websites that pay only through Skrill. In this case, your Skrill account is very important.

How to open a Skrill account

First, you need to click on Then click on REGISTER.

This is the step to PERSONAL ACCOUNT. But if you want to open a BUSINESS ACCOUNT then you need a BUSINESS / NEED A BUSINESS ACCOUNT? Click here to create. Since most of the time PERSONAL ACCOUNT is required, here is the rule for creating personal accounts only. An email address and national identity card/driving license/passport are required to create an account.

First, you have to click on OPEN A FREE ACCOUNT. There you have to enter your email and a strong password in the EMAIL and PASSWORD fields. Then you have to re-enter your password in CONFIRM PASSWORD. Then click on NEXT.

 A page with PERSONAL DETAILS will appear to give you personal information. Here you have to give FIRST NAME, SURNAME (LAST NAME), DATE OF BIRTH. Remember to give everything as your information is given in your national identity card or any other security papers.

BANGLADESH from the I live in box and USD (US DOLLAR) in the I use section will be marked.

This is the ADDRESS BOX. Here you have to enter all your addresses correctly. You have to put NEXT in your Address 1, Address 2, Postal Code (Zip code).

Now in the last step, you have to give your MOBILE NUMBER. Then I have to fill the captcha in I am not a robot. Then a VERIFICATION MAIL will be sent to your email. You have to verify from that mail. This will make your account. Then the Email & Password box will appear in front of you to log in. If you log in with your email and password from here, a page like the below will come up.

Now you can use TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION / CREATE A PIN if you want. This will strengthen the security of your account. The PIN must be six digits. After SAVE, the following page will appear. This is your original account.

Rules for verifying Skrill account

Once your account is created you will be able to start financial transactions. However, you will not be able to transact more than a certain amount unless you verify the account. To verify an account, you need to take at least $ 0.01 from any account or any freelancing site in your account. You must have a national identity card, driving license, or passport to verify the account. Let's verify Skrill now -

After $ 0.01 comes to your account, if you click on the SETTINGS option, the text of VERIFYING YOUR ACCOUNT will come. Now click on VERIFYING YOUR ACCOUNT. This time another page will come. Scroll down there to see VERIFYING YOUR ACCOUNT.

Now click on VERIFY MY ACCOUNT and VERIFY YOUR DETAILS will come up. From there click on VERIFY YOUR ID and another tab will appear. From there you need to verify via webcam. If you do not have a webcam, you need to download and verify the app from the Play Store.

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